Referee Courses

Do you want to become a Referee or learn a bit more about the Laws of the Game?

The following Referee Course options wiill be here shortly for you to choose from.

We will be using the NZF Learn online platform.


This course has been developed for the NZF online platform and covers both Football Referee and Futsal Referee. With everyone having less time to spend 10-12 hours at a a face to face course, this is now the more preferred option for most and the smaller referee centres, but also for the people who are likely to take up refereeing. You can do most of the course at home, in your own time. The date set for the course is the only session you physically attend a session with an instructor. This session will be about 3 hours in duration and includes the last couple of modules (including an outdoor session), discussion on other parts of the course and refereeing in general. Ideally you should have completed the online part of the course before the date of the offline part for which you registered.

The course will be available to everyone as soon as they logon to the NZF Learn web site. The face to face session is what you need to register for to be accredited as Level 1 and for thos who want to become referees.​​​​​​​



Coming soon.